Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

What is a Simile?
A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things by using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ something else. They are compared indirectly.

Examples of Similes
White as a ghost.
Swims like a fish.
Runs like a cheetah.
Slippery as an eel.
A simile can be as descriptive as the writer chooses.



Examples of more descriptive similes:
-He was as brave as a lion in a fight.
-He was as angry as a bull at a red flag.
-He swam like a fish through rough waters.
-Similes are used in poetry to create different effects, to create an image of comparison in the reader’s mind -of what the writer is describing.
Why don’t you try writing a poem using similes and enter it into one of our poetry competitions.

Contoh majas simile dalam Bahasa Indonesia :
* Senyumnya bagaikan hujan yang mengguyur tanah kering
* Wajahmu bagaikan rembulan yang bersinar di malam hari
* Gadis itu bagaikan bunga mawar yang baru mekar
* Persahabatan kami layaknya rantai yang kokoh
* Rambutmu bak mayang terurai
* Engkau laksana bulan yang menerangi kegelapan
* Mereka selalu bertengkar seperti anjing dan kucing


Common Examples of Simile

There are many clichéd similes in the English language that we use regularly. Here are some examples:
-Strong as an ox
-Fit as a fiddle
-Bright as the sun
-Sweating like a pig
-White as a sheet
-His heart was as cold as ice
-Sleeping like a log
-Fast as lightning
-Dance like no one is watching



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